Iowa Wolves vs. Oklahoma City Blue Tickets
Wells Fargo Arena | Des Moines, Iowa
The greatest fixture of the season is finally upon us! That's right, the one and only Iowa Wolves vs. Oklahoma City Blue are travelling down to the Des Moines area for an unmissable performance to deliver to their greatest fans. It's time to get ready by booking your tickets not just for you, but for your family and friends too for the can’t miss game of the year! There's no time to lose as the date is quickly approaching and everybody all over the country is counting down the days until Iowa Wolves vs. Oklahoma City Blue arrives at the sensational Wells Fargo Arena on Sunday 29th January 2023! Whatever your plans this January make sure you are there at the heart of it all!
Sitting on the edge of your seats… Ready? Get set? GO!!! Tickets are now available for the once in a lifetime game – Iowa Wolves vs. Oklahoma City Blue this January!
Crowds of people will be joining us in Iowa to catch the unmissable game of strength, power and agility! 100% sports action and excitement is for certain, as always with the fantastic stadium Wells Fargo Arena – reputed to frequently host some of the biggest and most exciting competitive sports for years. Get tickets to see them fight it out in Des Moines on Sunday 29th January 2023 with the biggest collision of power and brute force until the winner is decided! Wells Fargo Arena is always ready for a big crowd but if you want the best vantage point to get the action, you'll find some competition of your own! Hurry to get the best seating tickets before the whistle goes!